Извините, регистрация закрыта. Возможно, на событие уже зарегистрировалось слишком много человек, либо истек срок регистрации. Подробности вы можете узнать у организаторов события.
Essentially this is an English speaking club, but with solving coding problems. Our meetings have no structure so far, we just use Leetcode, Hackerrank, and the "Cracking the Coding Interview" book.
Essentially this is an English speaking club, but with solving coding problems. Our meetings have no structure so far, we just use Leetcode, Hackerrank, and the "Cracking the Coding Interview" book. That simple. Well get more organized a bit later.
We are a friendly community, but If youd like we could simulate a real-world whiteboard interview, including:
Joking, dont be stressed too much. Just say hello, introduce yourself, and start geeking out.
Our telegram group: t.me/coding_interviews_prep_msk...
Our repo: github.com/koddo/coding-interviews-...
Встреча пройдёт в воскресенье 22 декабря, в 17:00, в центре рациональности Кочерга.