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M. C. Escher left many drawings of impossible objects. The shapes of these objects are theoretically impossible but can be perceived by us. There are also objects that are theoretically possible but are hardly perceived by us. Tadamasa Sawada, a vision scientist studying 3D perception from theoretical aspects, will show objects of both types and explain how these illusions happen because our brain is tuned so that we can perceive shapes of objects in our everyday life. He will also talk about visual illusions relevant with Russia.
M. C. Escher left many drawings of impossible objects. The shapes of these objects are theoretically impossible but can be perceived by us. There are also objects that have the opposite property. Namely, the shapes of these opposite objects are theoretically possible but are hardly perceived by us.
Tadamasa Sawada in his lecture about visual illusions will show objects of both types and explain how these illusions happen because our brain is tuned so that we can perceive shapes of objects in our everyday life. He will also talk about visual illusions relevant with Russia.
Tadamasa Sawada, a vision scientist studying 3D perception from theoretical aspects:
The lecture will be held in English.
Встреча пройдёт в субботу 2 ноября, в 14:00, в центре рациональности Кочерга.