• 18 августа 2019, воскресенье
  • Москва, ул. Большая Дорогомиловская, д.5к2

Preparing for coding interviews

Регистрация на событие закрыта

Извините, регистрация закрыта. Возможно, на событие уже зарегистрировалось слишком много человек, либо истек срок регистрации. Подробности вы можете узнать у организаторов события.

Другие события организатора

1711 дней назад
18 августа 2019 c 17:00 до 20:00
ул. Большая Дорогомиловская, д.5к2

English speaking club with coding problems. This time there will be two big parts: solving problems from Leetcode, Hackerrank, "Cracking the Coding Interview" book & live coding session on a big screen. This week’s topic: quicksort, merge sort and hashtables.

English speaking club, but with coding problems. There will be two big parts, probably happening at the same time:
- Solving problems from leetcode et al. and writing algorithms down by hand
- Live coding session on a big screen, with streaming it on twitch

Your homework:
1. Sign up to https://www.hackerrank.com/ and https://www.leetcode.com/ to be ready to solve coding problems on these sites.
2. Actually solve a couple of problems to get comfortable with the interface.
3. Install a dictionary on your phone and don’t hesitate to use it.
And look into quicksort, merge sort and hashtables. Explaining these will be an exercise this time.

Code of conduct:
We are building a friendly nerdy community, an environment to help each other both with solving coding problems and with overcoming struggles to communicate in English while being judged for your answers. We’re whiteboarding, not waterboarding. It should feel like a videogame: it’s ok to fail and try again. Encourage and be patient.
Событие на meetup: www.meetup.com/coding-interviews-pr...
Группа в телеграме: t.me/coding_interviews_prep_msk...

Встреча пройдёт в воскресенье 18 августа, в 17:00, в центре рациональности Кочерга.


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